A big hello from the Wolverhampton for Everyone team! Following-on from our RE:IMAGINE Wolverhampton gathering in August, we would like to invite you to our next Partnership Gathering which will be held on:

Wednesday 30th September, 7pm – 8:30pm via Zoom

Our meet-up in September will be a creative space where you can join other people from our city to discuss and identify ways we can build on our RE:IMAGINE Wolverhampton gathering and be inspired to RE:IGNITE the spark to make the changes we want to see.
During the session we will:
  • share the vision we created during our RE:IMAGINE event
  • share themes, patterns and ideas from this vision that link to activities and initiatives that have happened in other places
  • spend time together, both as a whole group and in smaller groups, to share discuss, plan and prepare to turn our dreams and ideas into things we can do

The final gathering in our RE: trilogy, later in the year, will be to support each other to take the next practical steps and activities from this idea stage.

If you want to be part of this exciting change then we invite you to help us be experimental and creative in thinking of ways we can continue to improve life for everyone in Wolverhampton.

This event will take place on Zoom and an invite will be sent out on the day via Eventbrite email.

You don’t need to have attended our last event to come to this one in September. You can read about what happened and the vision that was created on our blog.

[su_button url=”http://bit.ly/reignite-wton” target=”blank” background=”#f71175″ size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”yes” icon=”icon: calendar”]Register your place now at Eventbrite[/su_button]

Spread the word! Please share this event around your friends and family in Wolverhampton and invite anyone you think might be interested.

More questions? Email us on hello@wolverhamptonforeveryone.org.